Carrot Salad

Carrot Salad is one of my favorite salad. Salad is always a comfort food when you don't want to indulge yourself with carbohydrate. The color of fresh carrot and pineapple just reminds you that spring is here. Sweet yogurt with walnut and raisin is just what you need with carrot and pineapple. You don't need to put any extra sugar or dressing, just sprinkle some salt and you are on go. Oil free, fat free bowl of whole goodness.

Preparation time- 10 minutes

Cooking time- 05 minutes

Serves- 2


1 big carrot cut into julienne

1/2 cup of pineapple small pieces

1/8 cup of walnut

1/8 cup of raisins 

1/2 cup of strawberry yogurt

1 tbsp lemon juice

Salt for seasoning


In a big bowl mix all ingredients and enjoy.

Happy Cooking:)
